I love kutia and the fact is I eat it only once a year! During Christmas Time. Gluten free version of this meal is delicious! Original version. is with wheat grain. As well we know eating gluten while having autoimmune disorder is risky and I don’t do it. I also like when poppy seed is not ground but cooked. I like to feel seeds among teeth 🙂 If you prefer ground poppy seeds, this is your choice. The same situation with having vegan kutia, no problem to trade the honey and maple syrup the place.
- 200g poppy seed (soaked overnight)
- 300g dry millet grain
- 200g nuts ( 50g of each kind :walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, almonds – all of them soaked overnight)
- 240-280g dried fruits (60-70g each kind :figs, plums, dates, royal raisins) – SO2 free
- juice of 1/2 lemon (BIO)
- 200g raw honey
- 100g warm water
- 1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon
- Soak overnight poppy seeds and nuts in separate bowls. On the next day strain and rinse with clean water.
- Cook poppy seeds, nuts and dried fruits cut in smaller pieces.
- Cook millet grain in excess water but not for too long. The grain shouldn’t be sticky. Rinse with clean water and strain.
- In a big glass mix water, honey and lemon juice.
- Transfer all ingredients to a big dish – bowl or a pot and stir well.
- Serve kutia as a dessert.
Enjoy your meal!
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