Nori wrapped on the outside of a small handful of cooked rice with additives and topped with raw fish slices becomes a Japan cuisine delicacy called sushi.
Fresh seaweed has been traditional food for many countries for centuries. They represent a kind of natural food that is very nutricious and low in calories. Seaweeds contain wide range of minerals like Fe, Ca, essential protein, vitamins and fiber.
Nori sometimes called laver is produced from a purplish-black seaweed – a species of Porphyra. Wild caught P.Umbilicalis and P.Leucosticta still are traditionally comsumed in Celtic countries and in the Azores archipelago. Although it can be collected by hand from natural sources, most of this red seaweed is now derived from cultivation. P.Yezoensis and P.Tenera species are commonly cultivated in Japan, the Republic of Korea and China. Freshly harvested fonds are rinsed, chopped, pressed between bamboo mats and dried in drying rooms or in the sun. The sheets are peeled from the mats and packed in bundles of ten for sale. This product is called hoshi-nori, which distinguishes it from yaki-nori, which is toasted.
Nori contains 30-50% protein and 75% of this content is digestible. It’s characteristic taste is caused by alanine, glutamic acid and glycine amino acids. Sugars are low (0.1 %), and the vitamin content is very high, with significant amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5,B6, B9,B12, C. I should point here that in a dried product the shelf life of vitamin C can be short. During processing to obtain the familiar sheets of nori, most salt is washed away, so the sodium content is low. Fats don’t occur in a high amount but more than 60% of them are PUFA Omega-3 and Omega-6. I nearly forgot to mention that seaweeds provide our bodies quite a big deal of iodine.
Sushi rice:
- 500g sushi rice
- 1300g filtered water to cook
- 4 tbsp 3% rice vinegar
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 1 flat tsp iodine free salt
- 100g soaked cashews
- 5g fresh ginger root
- 1 tsp gluten free soy sauce
- 1 tsp mustard
- a pinch of salt
- a pinch of pepper
- 2 dates
- 10g lime juice
- 50g mango pulp
- 50g filtered water
- 6-8 nori sheets
- 1/2 red bell pepper (in stripes)
- 1/2 mango (in stripes)
- 1 carrot (in stripes)
- a bunch of parsley (stems removed, leaves only)
- 3 tbsp black sesame seeds (to sprinkle)
- Cook sushi rice in a filtered water. In a separate small bowl mix rice vinegar with maple syrup and salt. Add to a cooked rice and stir well. Let it cool completely.
- Make a sauce, mixing the ingredients in a blender. Transfer to a small bowl and set aside.
- Cut vegetables and mango in small long stripes. I had about 4mm x 4mm.
- Prepare a bamboo mat. Wrap it in cling film.
- Place one nori wrapper on a bamboo mat and put five flat tablespoons of rice on. Using wet palms, gently press rice onto the nori sheet up to 3/4 of the height, leaving left and right side 0,5cm margin. You should obtain uniformly thin rice layer. Put 2 flat tablespoons of nut & mango sauce on the rice as shown in the picture below.
- Lay out your vegetable stripes as close together as possible on the sauce.
- Very carefully lift up the mat, fold in bottom of the wrapper over filling and roll away from you to completely enclose the filling. Stop before the end and moisten the uncovered top edge with wet fingers and close the nori sheet. Use your bamboo mat to help enclose the filling in the wrapper tightly and evenly, trying not to use fingers in rolling. Give it few more gentle rolls with bamboo mat to make sure its evenly round!
- Using a sharp knife ( I usually use big bread knife serrated blades) cut at least 1cm slices or into the desired thickness of bites. Wipe off the knife blades with wet kitchen paper towel after every 3 cuts.
- Arrange on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds and serve with gluten free soy sauce.
Enjoy your meal!
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